Showing posts with label Practical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practical. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Evaluation of first task

In my first lesson of media studies, i produced a story board with a peer for a genre of our choice. We were given a story line which we had to add to, to make it the genre we had chosen, ours had fallen under drama. I have posted the story board underneath(it is of a drunk man who fails to notice a family having a picnic). Once we had created the story board, we presented our ideas to the rest of the class and later went onto producing a same video clip using the images from the story board. In this same video clip, i added music to shot 3 which suited the picture but unfortunately did not get to complete the video so if i had more time, i would shorten each of my shots because i felt they were too long as well as adding background music throughout the whole video clip.